Every choice counts
/Introduction: This film uses branching and allows viewers the chance to shape the outcome of their journey. Whilst each scene evolves in the same way, the ending differs depending on the roll-up number of good/bad choices made along the way. Shot in Birmingham using community actors, this film puts viewers firmly in the driving seat.
Age Certificate: N/A
Duration: 6-7 minutes depending on branches
Shoot style: driver POV
Key collision factors: speed, seatbelts, distractions, inexperience, urban roads, rural roads
Format: mobile app
Deployment: This VR experience is downloadable via an android app and will play through the Samsung Gear VR headsets, allowing viewers to make decisions by directing their gaze as specific points within the films. By choosing their own path through the scenarios, viewers will end up with different outcomes - anything from a minor bump, so a more serious collision. By asking viewers to make key decisions, we're able to discover any areas they are weak and display an appropriate ending.
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This film is available to ICE Hub members only - please contact james@firstcar.co.uk for more information.