Young Driver Hazard Perception

Introduction: This twelve minute film is shot form the the drivers point of view and seeks to improve young driver hazard awareness and eye scanning skills. The scenarios begin slowly, as we gradually add more hazards and distractions into the narratives. Viewers are asked to simply observe each scenario and mentally note any hazards or distractions they feel are significant. We then play each scene through again, with the each hazard identified in real-time by an icon.

Age Certificate: N/A

Duration: 12:11

Shoot style: POV (point of view) of a car driver

Format: MP4 360 film

Deployment:  This is a long VR experience, so we recommend breaking the film down into two or three bitesize chunks. Because some of the hazards become apparent within the vehicle and in the mirrors, it is particularly important that viewers maintain good lookout at all times. 

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This film is available to ICE Hub members only - please contact for more information.