
Appropriate speed.jpg

Introduction: This short film is presented by a native Scottish speaker and seeks to educate viewers about appropriate speed. As well as showing us what it means to drive at an appropriate speed, our presenter shows us how to calculate a safe distance between the car in front and how to decide on an appropriate speed when you're not following another vehicle.

Age Certificate: N/A

Duration: 3:59

Shoot style: POV (point of view) of the front seat passanger

Format: MP4 360 film

Deployment:  Although this film can be delivered through the Samsung Gear VR headsets, this lends itself particularly well to a non-immersive environment and can be shared online via VR supporterd social media (Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube etc.) so viewers can use their own mobile decides to watch the film in virtual reality.

Promotional copy (approved by Safety Cameras Scotland): "Let's be honest, if it's been a while since you passed your driving test, then you might not have looked at the Highway Code for some time. We all know rule 124, "You MUST NOT exceed the maximum speed limits for the road and for your vehicle", but what about rule 125 and 126? Jump in to our immersive 360° experience and let us refresh your memory and explain why checking your speed is so important."

Click here to download the promotional flyer artwork from Safety Cameras Scotland.

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This film is available to ICE Hub members only - please contact james@firstcar.co.uk for more information.