Motorcyclists (90s Lifesavers)
Introduction: There are no real driver distractions or speed issues in this scenario. It’s very simply focused on the importance of always looking twice at junctions and for motorcyclists to make themselves as visible as possible to help prevent collisions. As the scenario evolves, another very important point becomes clear – how wearing protective motorcycle clothing can make a massive difference to the level of injury if you do come off the bike for whatever reason. Even though the car only clipped the bike and there may not be any severe internal injuries in this instance, it’s clear to see the pain and distress caused to the rider because of the whole-body injuries he’s sustained. In the final scenario, we see the outcome if our rider had been wearing full leathers, gloves and boots; they are clearly in shock, but are able to get up and walk away.
For drivers, the message is clear – always look twice at junctions and be prepared to spot smaller road users such as cyclists and motorcyclists.
Age Certificate: N/A
Funder and Copyright owner: Leicester Fire & Rescue Service
Duration: 90 Seconds
Shoot style: Passenger Seat - POV
Format: MP4 360 film
Deployment: Oculus Go VR Headset
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