Commentary Ride (PTW & Motorcycle)


Introduction: This series of films allows the user to experience a journey through urban and rural settings on a 125cc & 1300cc motorbike. During the first viewing, the viewer is expected to give a commentary on any potential hazards they may encounter or they see approaching. the viewing of the videos would be normally be observed by a facilitator, who would know the script and be listening out for missed/ or key hazards. Once viewed, they will then go onto watch the videos again, this time listening to the commentary of an advanced police rider, who points out all of the hazards he sees and any crucial road conditions.

Age Certificate: N/A

Funder and copyright owner: Hertfordshire Council

Duration: 12 Minutes

Shoot style: Rider POV

Format: MP4 360° APP

Deployment:  Oculus Go VR Headset

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This film is available to ICE Hub members only - please contact for more information.