Getting Your Film Out There


Congratulations – you’ve created a VR masterpiece! Now you need to think about how to get it out there, and into the hands (and onto the devices) of the right people…

The great thing about VR is that it can still be memorable, impactful and even go viral, without viewing through a headset. Most smart-phones, tablets and laptops can play 360 films and users can easily visually navigate the virtual world. Headsets are becoming increasingly accessible in terms of cost so it may well be that some of your users have headsets, or cardboard glasses, to view the film already. Depending on your objectives for the project, there are various mass deployment methods to consider:


A microsite is a great way to flesh out the story behind the film. Perhaps you want to enhance the storytelling by introducing the characters in the film and give them a backstory, or even explain more about the situation they find themselves in. Using a microsite is also a great way of enhancing the campaign – perhaps by linking social media channels, comments and reviews of the film or creating signposting opportunities.

Video on demand

Video on demand (or VOD) allows a user to download a video and watch it whenever they like. To download the video, often there is a pay gate (meaning the viewer must pay a fee) or the viewer must register to view. Aside from the obvious benefits of income generation, this can also be a great tool to capture data (subject to obtaining the necessary opt-in permissions). For example, to download the film, the user must register their details, for example, their name, date of birth and e-mail address. Using this information, you can later send them communications about the film or campaign to repeat the message. This deployment technique relies on the user downloading the video and with increasing online distractions, consideration should be given as to how to maximise downloads through marketing or advertising the video. Sites such as Vimeo or Wistia can host your VOD.


Social media

Social media is a great deployment tool because it allows your film to be easily shared and commented on. This means that you can get real-time feedback of what people thought of it, who they are sharing it with and whether they ‘like’ it. There is also the opportunity for the film to go viral and be shared within hard-to-reach friendship communities or with the wider family, which can lead to family- and community-wide behaviour change.

Your VR film may be the best in the world, but it won’t be useful or impactful unless people actually see it! Regardless of your deployment method, make sure that it is easily available for people to view and there are opportunities for people to comment and share. This gives you real-time feedback and gives your film a wide and varied reach.