The Cold Reality (award winning)


Introduction: It's a normal September day for a bunch of freshers at Exeter Uni - BBQ, beers and banter on the quayside before a night out at the union. But a split second decision almost costs one student their life when he goes into the water to retrieve his favourite baseball cap. Within 30 seconds cold water shock is starting to have an effect and just 60 seconds after entering the water, he is almost immobilised through fatigue and muscle cramps caused by the cold water. The Cold Reality lets you watch the drama unfold through the eyes of one of the students using 360 degree film, right through to your rescue from the water and evacuation to awaiting emergency services at Exeter Quay.

Age Certificate: 15+

Duration: 6:00

Shoot style: POV (point of view) of a student with a group of friends

Key risk factors: alcohol, peer pressure, cold water shock, hypothermia onset, poor decision making

Format: MP4 360 film


Partnership Award at the Excellence in Fire & Emergency Awards (2017)

Deployment:  ICE Hub members can download this film to their VR headsets, but non-members can access the film at for non-immersive viewing on their smartphones.

Behind the scenes

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This film is available to ICE Hub members only - please contact for more information.